Treat your employees with the ease of daily Commute

  • Corporate Car Rental
  • Car Rental
  • Daily Commute
  • Commute Management

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The employment industry is changing rapidly and so are the needs of the employees, with a number of businesses struggling to get their employees back to office. Businesses are looking at a holistic approach to make employees feel rewarded by adding perks as they plan to bring their employees back to the Workstation. Corporate Car rental plans can be the very solution to this problem, it saves commute cost for employees and can be treated as a corporate expense for the business therefore reducing the tax liability, seems like a win – win, doesn’t it?

Saving Costs for Employees

An average employee spends around 4 – 10% of his/her income in order to commute to work and back from it. Corporate Car rental helps employees save this money. Apart from just Money, Employees spend anywhere from 20 mins to 15 hours of their time travelling to work and back.

Better Utilization of Time

Corporate Car Rental plans not only save the money of the employees but the time that they spend while driving to work as well. When the employees are Chauffeured to the office and back, they can use this time in any way that they like, It has been observed that some people use this time for a quick nap, or going through a quick crash course or to read a book or scroll through social media or just relax and listen to some music.

Savings for the Company

Corporate Car Rental plans can also lead to savings for the company’s in two ways; one being tax savings, as the Corporate Car Rentals are a Corporate Expense, they can be treated the same way and reduce the tax liability of the Company. Second; it can prove to be a perk to the employees that helps them save time and money. Many people find the ease of commute as a major factor in switching jobs, thus businesses can attract talent in such a way.

Saving the Environment

By using Corporate Car Rental Plans, the employees and employer can both take a step towards saving the environment by saving fuel and reducing the number of cars used by employees to travel to work, thereby reducing the emissions as well. Hence Corporate Car Rental can be used as a tool to save the environment as well.

Increases Social Interaction

From the days of the Coronavirus, people have been working from the comfort of their homes and that has significantly reduced the amount of social interaction between people. People have been meeting each other via zoom meet, google meet etc. When travelling together on a daily basis, people tend to talk to each other and socialize more, thereby increasing the social interaction between employees.

Conclusion – Corporate Car Rental is a tool, if used can lead to great benefits for an organization, it not only reduces costs in terms of time and money for employees it also saves taxes for a company and also helps in contributing towards the environment and increases social interaction between employees.

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